My Indonesia
Across its many islands, Indonesia consists of distinct ethnic, linguistic, and religious groups. The Javanese are the largest and most politically dominant ethnic group. Indonesia has developed a shared identity defined by a national language, ethnic diversity, religious pluralism within a majority Muslim population, and a history of colonialism and rebellion against it. Indonesia's national motto, "Bhinneka Tunggal Ika" ("Unity in Diversity" literally, "many, yet one"), articulates the diversity that shapes the country. However, sectarian tensions and separatism have led to violent confrontations that have undermined political and economic stability. Despite its large population and densely populated regions, Indonesia has vast areas of wilderness that support the world's second highest level of biodiversity. The country is richly endowed with natural resources, yet poverty is a defining feature of contemporary Indonesia.
Saturday, August 29, 2009

Car-free day is meant to reduce pollution & create atmosphere along Sudirman to Thamrin Boulevard, Jakarta. You can do lots of things there, such as : jogging, or enjoying taking a stroll and cycling, or even playing football ^^
(wuuaahh.... Minnie was hoping to go there, but ... still sleepy : P )
This road will be free from vehicles until 12 this afternoon
Private vehicles and public vehicles may only be across at the slow lane of Sudirman and Thamrin, while Trans Jakarta buses operated as usual.
Minie hopes this program not only on sunday, but also Saturday ... hehe. It can a bit reduce the pollution in Jakarta, right ??
Well ... enjoy car-free day today ^_^
Labels: Serba Serbi

Malaysia back on the scene. The Statue of Garuda Wisnu Kencana (GWK), a statue of Vishnu riding Garuda is now offered at a price of 1, 5 trillion rupiahs.
It expressed by the Governor of Bali, Made Mangku Pastika, when doing simakrama (face to face) in Wantilan Saka Jajar Pura, Pura Bhuwana Linga, Central Government (Puspem), Mengwi, Badung, Saturday (29 / 8). "Malaysia has made several offers to GWK development board. That's only wings and head are already done, what if later on it all was done? Do not let it belong to other nations," he explained.
GWK statue is the world's largest statue with 75 meters high and 60 meters wide and will beat the Statue of Liberty. GWK is a masterpiece of Balinese artist I Nyoman Nuarta, located in the South Bali area, precisely in Bukit Ungasan, Badung regency. "Do not let this great work of art falls into another nation. It must belong to the people of Bali. GWK was a major work after Borobudur. GWK will be the greatest works after 1000 years of Borobudur," he said.
Well, for that, the Provincial Government (Provincial Government) of Bali will issue bonds (debt securities) that can be purchased by the people of Bali. This will contribute to the people of Bali for a while to get more flowers for those who give bonds.
The Provincial Government of Bali also plans to hold a conference opening in GWK, such as concerts, art exhibitions, and festivals of national or international scale, to provide funding for future development of Bali.
sources :,
Labels: Serba Serbi
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Bali, Indonesia

Pendet is a traditional Balinese dance, in which offerings are made to purify the temple or theater as a prelude to ceremonies or other dances. Pendet is typically performed by young girls, carrying bowls of flower petals, handfuls of which are cast into the air at various times in the dance. Pendet can be thought of as a dance of greeting, to welcome the audience and invite spirits to enjoy a performance.
Traditional Balinese dances are the oldest form of performing arts in Bali. Traditional dances can be divided into two types, sacred dance called Wali and entertainment dance called Bebalihan. Wali (sacred dance) is usually performed in some ritual ceremonies only because it has strong magical powers and only can be performed by specific dancers. Bebalihan are usually performed in social events. In addition to entertain, Bebalihan also has other purposes such as: welcoming guests, celebration of harvests, or gathering crowds. Bebalihan has more variations than Wali.
Pendet is the presentation of an offering in the form of a ritual dance. Unlike the exhibition dances that demand arduous training, Pendet may be danced by anyone. It is taught simply by imitation.
Younger girls follow the movements of the elder women, who recognize their responsibility in setting a good example. Proficiency comes with age. As a religious dance, Pendet is usually performed during temple ceremonies.
All dancers carry in their right hand a small offering of incense, cakes, water vessels, or flower formations. With these they dance from shrine to shrine within the temple. Pendet may be performed intermittently throughout the day and late into the night during temple feasts.
The original Pendet dance is performed by 4-5 young girls (before their puberty) in temple yards. Pendet dancers bring flowers in small Bokor (silver bowls for keeping flowers in a ceremony). They spread the flowers around the temple. This dance is a symbol of welcoming God in some ritual ceremonies in Bali. Pendet actually has simple dance movements. These movements are the basic dance movements of Balinese dance. Pendet has undergone later development with variations and now is not only performed in ritual ceremonies but also in some social events. Pendet since has been known as a welcoming dance.
note : For them who stealing our culture . STOP claiming our culture and find your own Identity !!!
Labels: Indonesian Cultures
Monday, August 24, 2009
Wayang Golek is a performance art puppet dolls made of wood, which is very popular especially in the area of Pasundan Land, Indonesia

sources : ,
Labels: Indonesian Cultures

Ludruk is the traditional art of drama East Java. Ludruk is a traditional drama performed by an arts group in a stage by taking the story of the lives of everyday people, stories of struggle and so are interspersed with jokes and accompanied by gamelan as a musical.
The dialogue / monologue in ludruk are entertaining and make the audience laugh, using typical language of Surabaya, although sometimes there are guest stars from other regions such as Jombang, Malang, Madura, Madiun with a different accent. The plain language used in ludruk, making him easily absorbed by the non-intellect (pedicab driver, patrolman, angkotan driver, etc).
A regular ludruk performances began with Remo Dance performances interspersed with a character who memerakan "Mr. Sakera", a master of Madura.
Kartolo was a legendary comedian ludruk from Surabaya, East Java. He has more than 40 years of living in a world of art ludruk. Name Kartolo and distinctive voice, the jokes are innocent and intelligent, is known almost all over East Java, and even to Central Java.
Ludruk is different from ketoprak, Central Java. The Story of ketoprak often taken from ancient story (history or fairy tales), and are particular message. Meanwhile, ludruk tells the story of everyday life (usually) the "grassroots".
sources :,,
Labels: Indonesian Cultures
Reog (Ponorogo)
Traditional Art from East Java, Indonesia

Reog is one of the cultural arts from East Java northwest section and Ponorogo considered a hometown real Reog. The city gate was decorated by the figure of Ponorogo warok and gemblak, two figures who had appeared at the time reog displayed. Reog is one of the regional culture in Indonesia and it's still very strong with things mystical and powerful mystic.

P onorogo is most well known for the reog mask dance, which is said to have been created by one of the kings of Kediri in the 12th century. The performance re-enacts a legendary battle between Pujangga Anom, a minister from the court of Ponorogo, and Singa Barong, guardian spirit of the forest of Lodoyo. The performance re-enacts a legendary battle between Doctor Anom, a minister from the court of Ponorogo, and Singa Barong, guardian spirit of the forest of Lodoyo. The former had aroused the anger of Singa Barong when he stole 150 tigers from the forest, apparently to be offered as a dowry payment for a princess of Kediri, whom the king of Ponorogo wished to marry. The former had aroused the anger of Singa Barong when he stole 150 tigers from the forest, apparently to be offered as a dowry payment for a princess of Kediri, whom the king of Ponorogo wished to marry. A typical reog troupe, then, usually consists of the principal characters; Singa Barong, wearing an enormous tiger head and peacock feather mask, and his adversary Pujangga Anom. A typical reog troupe, then, usually consists of the principal characters; Singa Barong, wearing an enormous tiger head and peacock Feather mask, and his adversary poet Anom. They are accompanied by one or more masked clowns/acrobats, as well as a number of hobby horse dancers, who are said to represent the troops of Pujangga Anom. They are accompanied by one or more masked clowns / acrobats, as well as a number of hobby horse dancers, who are said to represent the troops of poet Anom.

The people of Ponorogo have a reputation for being tough, both physically and mentally. The people of Ponorogo have a reputation for being tough, both physically and mentally. The qualities of bravery and daring are fully displayed in a reog performance, where the focus of attention is on a trance dancer supporting a giant mask, often weighing more than 40 kg, between his teeth. The qualities of Bravery and online are fully displayed in a reog performance, where the focus of attention is on a trance dancer supporting a giant mask, often weighing more than 40 kg, between his teeth. The mask is a ferocious, snarling tiger's head, covered in real tiger skin and crowned with a gigantic three metre fan of peacock feathers. The mask is a ferocious, snarling tiger's head, covered in real tiger skin and crowned with a gigantic three meter fan of peacock feathers. The success of a performance, including the ability of the principal dancer to bear the weight of the mask, is said to depend upon the magical power of the leader of the dance troupe. The success of a performance, including the ability of the principal dancer to bear the weight of the mask, is said to depend upon the magical power of the leader of the dance troupe. Known as warok,these men are believed to possess special talents, gained through years of training. One of the unique features of the reog dance is that the hobby horse ( jaran kepang) dancers are invariably young boys dressed as women. Known as warok, these men are believed to possess special talents, gained through years of training. One of the unique features of the reog dance is that the hobby horse (lesson braids) dancers are invariably young boys dressed as women. Known as gemblak, they accompany the warok, who are forbidden close association with females, in their travelling performances. Known as gemblak, they accompany the warok, who are forbidden close association with females, in their traveling performances. . .
sources : from many sources
Labels: Indonesian Cultures

Meuseukat"Meusekat" is almost the same as "Saman". The only difference is that "Meusekat" is performed by women and originates in west and south Aceh.
Labels: Indonesian Cultures
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Batik Nusantara Exhibition
Venue: Jakarta Convention Center
Date: Wed, 08/26/2009 - Sun, 08/30/2009
Batik Nusantara Exhibition will feature various batik products from many parts of the country. Batik designers and producers from batik centers in the country will offer their new products and collections at the exhibition.
About Batik :
Indonesian Batik is a form of creative works of art, expressed in the patterns of cloth for clothing, sarongs, jarig and other decorative fabric made with the practice "night" and canting batik. The early introduction of batik in Indonesia through a process of cultural migrants China and India, and with the indigenous population. In line with the growth of social values and culture of Indonesia, batik works of art growing and develop into a national property high values.
The using of batik is closely with related event, the symbol of social status and culture makes batik handicrafts grow into a high valuable economic resource , encouraging the growth of various design and use of new raw materials, and even was able to contribute in the export of nonmigas.
Batik contain elements of art, this craft is doing by woman since long time ago using a simple canting and a natural dye from plants. Industrial activity grew rapidly, and batik mass produced through a process using the cap pembatikan, the coloring influence of developed countries, without leaving the high value of the east and still appear on the processing and show gentleness of the skilled work.
Challenges faced by the need to preserve and increase the more value . There is concern that batik are taken by other foreign countries, the necessary steps taken protection, recognition and awards in the country of origin itself. For years since 1994 that was initiated by Mrs. Ginandjar Kartasasmita, Mr. Ir. Firdaus Ali and Mr. DR. Dipo Alam formed a foundation which is named Batik Indonesia Foundation. It was established on 28 October 1994 and followed by Youth Oath spirit.
sources :,
Labels: Serba Serbi
Protest over Malaysia’s claim over old Balinese Pendet dance
Dozens of Balinese artists staged a rally at the Denpasar Cultural Park on Saturday to protest the broadcast of Bali’s ancient pendet dance in Malaysia’s tourism advertisement.
The dance, performed by two women dressed in Balinese costumes, was broadcast many times as part of the Visit Malaysia Year promotion.
“We have found that the dancers are alumni of the ISI Denpasar. They were shot by Bali Record about two or three years ago,” rally coordinator Prof Wayan Dibia of Denpasar’s Indonesian Art Institute (ISI) was quoted by Antara news agency.
Other rally participants included Regional Representatives Council member representing Bali Ida Ayu Agung Mas and ISI scholars.
The protesters urged the government to protect and register local cultures to prevent other countries from claiming them.
“Pendet dance is our national cultural heritage which belongs to Hindu Bali tradition,” Dibia said.
Malaysia’s tourism promotion sparked an outrage in Indonesia last year for its broadcast of Maluku’s song Rasa Sayange.
source :
Labels: Serba Serbi
(Egg Crust)

The Recipe :

1/2 cup rice
1 egg
1 tea spoon salt
1 table spoon fried shallot
Instructions :
prepare small brick stove, and curve round small pan.
put salt in a pan, put egg, mix it well
put rice, spread it around the pan.
let the egg rice going brown color.
put shredded coconut and fried chopped shallot in the top.
ready to serve
Labels: Traditional Dessert
Friday, August 21, 2009
Heritage Site in Jakarta
Museum Gajah (National Museum)
Located at the west side of Merdeka square; it offers historical, pre-historical, archeological an ethnographic aspect of Indonesia through its extensive collection of artifacts and relics which date as far back to the Han, Tan and Ming Dynasty.
Ismail Marzuki Park
Is one of Indonesias foremost modern composers this art centre known popularly as TIM stages regular performances of traditional and contemporary art, including western ballet, Javanese dances, dramas and exhibitions of handicrafts and fine arts. The art centre publishes a monthly calendar of events which can be obtained at the TIM offices at Jalan Cikini Raya 73, Jakarta
Indonesia Miniature Park
Is a cultural park which attempts to present the ethnic cultures and tradition in permanent exhibits of traditional architecture native to the 30 provinces. Performances of drama and dances of the various provinces are regularly staged in the pavilions.
Monumen Nasional (National Monument)
The National Monument or "MONAS" is 137 meter tall table marble obelisks-topped with flame coated with 35 kg of gold, and represent the people determination to achieve freedom. It is located in front of the president's palace and opens to public. An elevator carries visitors to the top, offering a bird's eye view across the city to the sea.
Maritime Museum
Two of the original ware houses from the first trading post of the Dutch East Indies Company in Java now house the Maritime Museum. Exhibits include large models of boats from various islands. The old harbormasters tower stands nearby. Open from 8.00 am - 2.00 pm on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday. On Fridays closed.
The Wayang Museum
The Wayang Museum located on the western side of Taman Fatahillah in "The Old Town" areas has the finest displays of wayang puppets in Indonesia including puppets from all part of Indonesia and other part of Southeast Asia as well. The wooden and the Leather puppets displayed here represent the finest craftsmanship in this paricular form of traditional theatre. The museum also shows shortened performances of the Wayang Kulit leather puppets every Sunday morning
- Most flights all over the archipellago and aboard arrived in Soekarno-Hatta Airport
From Soekarno Hatta Airport, Jakarta take a ride by airport taxi or airport bus, and stop at Gambir Station, then you can continue travel using Trans Jakarta; - this mode of transport reaches almost all part of Jakarta - Bus services also available, arrived in Jakarta from Sumatra and Java. Jakarta installed with 4 bus stations:
Kampung Rambutan handles buses from Bogor, Bandung and Tasikmalaya
Lebak Bulus station handles many deluxe buses from Yogyakarta, Bali, Surabaya and Bandung
Pulo Gadung handles economic class bus services from Cirebon, Central and East Java, Sumatra and Bali - Door to door travel minibuses are available to and from Java and Sumatra Island, mostly provided by travel agents.
Just set-up your budget, in Jakarta you can find many type of hotels with various and interesting prices, star hotel/ international chain hotel, boutique hotel and budget hotel also available.
Hotels like Sahid Hotel Jakarta, Le Meridian Hotel, Intercontinental Hotel, Sari Pan Pacific, Nikko Hotel Jakarta, Grand Hyatt Hotel, Alila Hotel, Sultan Hotel Jakarta (former Hilton hotel), Mandarin Oriental Jakarta located near the Trans Jakarta halt.
- Trans Jakarta is the favorite transportation among all since its launched a few years ago. Cheap and Clean. With only Rp. 3.500 youll get your self an exploration all over Jakarta.
- To access National Museum and National Monument (MONAS), stop at Monas Halt.
- Other modes of transport to move around Jakarta are 24 hour taxi services, public bus, mini bus, BAJAI and train services.
- Dunia Fantasi (Fantasy World) as the biggest amusement park in Jakarta. You can reach this interesting spot using Trans Jakarta as well; take the Ancol " Kampung Melayu corridor/route
- Ancol, Jakarta bay City famous for its marine recreation and give a distinctive traveling experiences. Trans Jakarta: Ancol " Kampung Melayu.
Having an International menu for meal is great. Just Great, but not Decent, Not even Memorable. Then, boost your taste and enhanced your life with these local traditional foods.
- Gago-gado; Cold steamed vegetables, tofu, and TEMPE with peanut sauce
- Martabak (Sweet Pizza). Stuffed Indian pancake in one of two flavors: sweet martabak, which are sweet, or martabak telor (egg martabak), which are egg pancakes filled with meat. The sweet version may contain condensed milk, cheese, chocolate, sesame seeds, or sticky black rice.
- Nasi Uduk. Rice cooked in coconut milk and fragrant pandan leaves topped with fried shallots. This is a traditional Betawi (native Jakarta) dish, but can be found throughout Indonesia.
- Opor Ayam. Chicken cooked in coconut milk (ayam means chicken)
- Sate (Satay). Beef, chicken, or goat meat skewered on bamboo sticks and roasted over a small grill. It is accompanied by peanut sauce or a sweet soy sauce with hot green peppers and shallots. Be sure to ask for all meat or you may end up with fat or chicken livers
- To settle down the hotty weather of Jakarta, try Es Campur (mixed ice), Es Cendol, Es Doger and so on
Name any Indonesias souvenir, we meant any souvenir from all over Indonesia, you can find it here since Jakarta is the melting pot of anything.
Indonesia Handicraft Centre
Jl. Iskandarsyah II/2, Pasaraya Big & Beautiful South Jakarta
Phone: (+6221) 7260170
Irian Art Shop
Jl. Pasar Baru No. 16 A Central Jakarta
Phone: (+6221) 3843422
Arta Nauli Handicraft
Jl. Tebet Timur Raya 55, South Jakarta
Phone: (+6221) 8294192
Akbar Gallery
Jl. Ciputat Raya nO. 28 South Jakarta
Phone: (+6221) 7491713
Classique Sculpture
Jl. Pasar Baru No. 18, Central Jakarta
Phone: (+6221) 563 1652
Balikerti Art Souvenir Shop
Jl. Raya Krekot Bunder No. 67 West Jakarta
Phone: (+6221) 3848187
Jl. Taman Meruya Ilir B1 A 12/2 Central Jakarta
Phone: (+6221) 5841784
Geni Inoivan Lestari PT
Jl. Puri Kencana B1 K7/1P West Jakarta
Phone: (+6221) 5823574
- For those who wish to move around by Trans Jakarta, 10.00 am " 04.00 pm will be the best time of usage. At 07.00 am " 10.00 am and 04.00 pm " 07.00 pm Trans Jakarta turn to a crowded tarns, due to that period of time is the business hour (people go and back from work)
- While on Saturday and Monday, Trans Jakarta will be hectic all day long
Tourist Office:
Jl. Kuningan Barat 2
Phone: (+6221) 5209689 - (+6221) 5272420
Fax: (+6221) 5229136 - (+6221) 5263923
sources :,,
Labels: This is Indonesia

Other Unique
Jatiluwih also keep the unique religious ceremony attraction which is famous know as Patirtaan in Petali Temple on Wednesday Kliwon Ugu (Based on Balinese Calendar). The local residents believe that Petali Temple is a worship center of The Hyang Widhi Wasa (the God) as agriculture power. Beside of Petali Temple , there is also Pucak Rsi Temple is located in this area. As a tourist object, Jatiluwih provides the public facilities like parking area, toilet, resting bale and Wantilan for tourist who is enjoying the beautiful panorama. Some restaurants have been built to serve the food and beverage. Watukaru Tour is an exciting tour to visit Watukaru Temple and other tourist destinations like Jatiluwih.
- Cafe Jatiluwih
- Ary's Warung
- Indus Restaurant
- Terazo
- Naughty Nuri's Warung and Grill
- Warung Enak
- Pizza Bagus
- Cafe des Artistes
- Cafe Wayan & Bakery
- Fly Cafe
- Kafe Warisan
source : Bali
Labels: This is Indonesia

Jemeluk is precisely situated at Purwakerti village, Abang ditrict. It is about 100 km from Denpasar and 21 km from Amlapura.
Around the area, we will be able to find small restaurants, hotels, and food stalls. For visitors who wish to closely enjoy the sea panorama, a stopover is available.

Jemeluk becomes interesting to visit for its amazing luxurious underwater scenery. Its shallow save and clear water give comfort for visitors who loves diving activity very much, to see tropical fish and other marine lives exist here.

The coral reeves found in this area becomes another attraction of Jemeluk that draws visitors from all over the world.
Besides the underwater panorama, we can also enjoy beautiful view of the surrounding area, which shows the fascinating scenery of hilly land with its steep valleys that combined with the vast sea.
The traditional process in making salt performed by the local people, should not also be passed when we visit this area.
Jemeluk is located in the coastal area of Purwakerti village, Abang District, Karangasem regencies. The distance is about 101 km from the city of Denpasar or 21 km from the town of Amlapura. This object can be reach by car and the road is paved up until the ktota Amlapura through the Sraya village.
Although in this object there is no lodging and restaurants, but about 3 km to the east the Lipah village existing house lodging and restaurants for tourists who like to visited a quiet and natural places. On the beach of Jemeluk there are many jukung who are ready to take guests who will be sailing, diving and Snorkling.
Many foreign tourists visited Jemeluk Tirta, especially tourists who are very happy to enjoy the sea, almost every year the water clear, safe and shallow marine. The beauty of the sea garden and the types of tropical fish here are well known by tourists around the world.
source : bali
Labels: This is Indonesia
Minie mengucapkan
Selamat Menunaikan Ibadah Puasa 1430 H
Mohon Maaf Lahir dan Batin
Labels: Serba Serbi
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
The proclamation of 64th Indonesia Independence Day , Monday, 17 August 2009, also in progress with the submission in the areas. Different expectations and desires are reflected in the day of independence, the hope of a better future.

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Labels: August 17th 2009

64th Indonesia anniversary celebrated in Berlin, Germany. A number of achievements of children in the German nation become a gift this year, from the planet to find a new idol young performers.
The RI anniversary was held at Wisma Indonesia, the official residence of RI Minister for Germany, Rudeloffweg, Berlin, on Monday (17/8/2009). Most of the Indonesian citizen are students and also a number of people following the Berlin Bunting with humility.
This year event so special because a number of Indonesian Citizen got extraordinary achievement in Germany. Astronom Johny Setiawan, researchers at the Max Planck Institute of Heidelberg Germany, led the team in the discovery of Extrasolar Planet.
There are two national athletes, Fernando Lumain and Serafi Anelies Unani compete in the athletic of 12th IAAF world championship in Berlin. However, the most awaited appearance is Shandy Sondoro, the first Asia's winner of New Wave International Contest of Young Pop Singers.
"We have athletes, top performers, the planet inventors. This is extraordinary and shows that Indonesia is able to. I ask all citizens to provide Indonesia with a good image of achievement in their respective fields," said Eddy Pratomo RI minister, on Monday (17 / 8 / 2009).
As well as in Indonesia, the 17 August event is not complete without the race exciting and interesting. There are racing with bakiak to dancing with balloon.
source :
Labels: August 17th 2009

The Indonesian mountain climber successfully reached the peak of Mount Elbrus in Russia. They also successfully put out a red and white flag on 17 August 2009 in the highest mountain in continental Europe.
The Indonesia Indepedence Day Team, Mahitala and Eiger UNPAR of Bandung Purnomo Budi Hartono and Sieling successfully reach the summit of Mount Elbrus which is located 5642 meter dpl at 11:10 local time.
Such information received from Budi Hartono Purtomo, Monday night (17/8/2009).
"We have put out the flag of Indonesia and sing a song of Indonesia Raya," said Budi.
This team do summit atack (climbing to the top) at 03.00 local time. They Need 8 hours to climb and 4 minutes to go down.
"the terrain was heavy and tiring. Temperature minus 20 degrees, but the blazing sun is shining," said Budi explaining the situation.
The Indonesia Mountaineering Federation (FMI) Team of Franky Kowaas also successfully reached the peak Elbrus at 11:00 local time. FMI team is a team of Indonesian climber who run a mission to climb the seven highest peaks of the world.
sources :,
Labels: August 17th 2009
Labels: August 17th 2009
Monday, August 17, 2009
Celebrated The Independance Day of Indonesia
(17 August 2009)
Malalayang: Indonesia finally succeeded in breaking the world record dive in the most massive events in the International Sail Bunaken Malalayang Beach, Manado, North Sulawesi, Monday (16 - 17 August 2009) local time. Recorded, about 2.818 divers from various regions participated in these activities.
2818 divers succeeded in breaking the world record
the situation on the bottom of the sea with a depth 15 - 19 meters
Note :
wooaahh... minie proud of Indonesia.
Happy 64th Independence Day to Indonesia ^_^
Hope to be a better Indonesia in the future .. aamiin
Labels: August 17th 2009
Indonesia’s Komodo National Park includes the three larger islands Komodo, Rinca and Padar, as well as numerous smaller ones, for a total area of 1,817 square kilometers (603 square kilometers of it land). The national park was founded in 1980 to protect the Komodo dragon. Later, it was also dedicated to protecting other species, including marine animals. The islands of the national park are of volcanic origin.
Labels: This is Indonesia

The society of East Nusa Tenggara should be proud, because from the last polling result of Komodo National Park in West Manggarai regency enter the 7 New Wonder of the Wolrd.
Thus, it is belief that the international support of Komodo National Park is continues as one of the world's largest asset.
The Government and other various institutions, continue to call the society to give support through site.
Government through the Office of Tourism NTT has been providing facilities in the campaign of Kupang Fatululi craft Exhibition, so that every citizen who visits the exhibition of development in order to celebrate the 64th Independance Day of Republic of Indonesia (RI), can give a direct support.
"There are dozens of computer with internet facilities have been prepared. Please citizens of NTT to provide support through a network of free Internet," said the Governor of NTT, Frans Leburaya."
Based on the results of the last Poll, Komodo National Park is on the sequence of six of 28 remaining finalists.
Labels: This is Indonesia
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
List of Islands of Indonesia
This is a list of islands of Indonesia. Indonesia comprises more than 17,000 islands [1] according to estimates made by the Government of Indonesia, with 922 of those permanently inhabited. The country extends from adjacent the Malay Peninsula in its west and into Melanesia in its east. According to a 2002 survey by National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN), Indonesia has 18,306 islands. Counting tidal islands (periodically submerged) doubles the island figure, and many islands have no name or share names, all of which makes tabulation very confusing even to the government of Indonesia.
Management of the islands sometimes includes a regency which covers a small island chain.
On September 21, 2007, an 8.4 earthquake struck Sumatra near South Pagai Island, producing a cluster of six small new islands, and enlarging others by uplift.[2] A large portion of Indonesia is seismically active; the number, size, and shape of islands continues to evolve.
Main islands
- New Guinea — divided between Indonesian provinces of Papua and West Papua and the independent nation of Papua New Guinea
Other islands
Province of Banten
Province of DKI Jakarta
- Thousand Islands archipelago (Kepulauan Seribu) 105 islands. Only 11 islands are inhabited.
Province of Central Java
- Karimun Jawa
- Nusa Kambangan - prison island
Province of East Java
- Bawean archipelago (kepulauan Bawean)
- Kangean Islands archipelago (kepulauan Kangean)
- Madura
- Raas
- Raja
Province of Aceh, 119 islands
- Banyak archipelago (kepulauan Banyak), 99 islands
- Lasia
- Weh Island
- Simeulue Island
Province of North Sumatra, 419 islands
- Batu archipelago (formerly Batoe Eilanden), 51 islands
- Berhala island on the Strait of Malacca
- Jake
- Lego
- Makole
- Masa
- Samosir island on Lake Toba
Province of West Sumatra
- Siberut
- Sipura (Pulau Sipora)
- North Pagai
- South Pagai
- Pasumpahan
Province of Lampung
- Child of Krakatoa (Pulau Anak Krakatau)
Province of Riau
Province of Riau Islands, about 3,200 islands
- Natuna archipelago (Kepulauan Natuna)
- South Natuna archipelago
- Anambas archipelago
- Natuna Besar archipelago
- Tambelan archipelago
- Badas Islands archipelago
Province of Bangka-Belitung Islands
Province of East Kalimantan
Province of South Kalimantan
Province of Central Kalimantan
Province of West Kalimantan
- Bawal
- Galam
- Maya Karimata also just "Maya"
Province of North Sulawesi
- Sangir Besar, aka Sangir Island
- Siau Island
- Karakaralong Islands
Province of Central Sulawesi
- Peleng
- Banggai
- Bowokan Islands (aka Treko)
Province of South Sulawesi
Province of Southeast Sulawesi
Lesser Sunda Islands
Province of Bali
Province of West Nusa Tenggara
Province of East Nusa Tenggara
- Alor Archipelago (kepulauan Alor), 14 islands + 1 (E.Timor)
- Flores
- Komodo
- Palu'e aka Palu
- Rinca
- Rote Island
- Savu (Savu Islands)
- Sumba
- Timor—divided between Indonesian West Timor and the independent nation of East Timor
Province of Maluku
- Buru
- Gorong archipelago
- Watubela archipelago
- Banda
- Tayandu Islands (also Tayahad)
- Kai
- Aru archipelago
- Tanimbar Islands archipelago
- Babar Island archipelago
- Leti Islands archipelago
Small volcanic islands in the Banda Sea
The province of North Maluku
- Bacan
- Morotai
- Widi archipelago
- Obi Islands
- Sula islands
New Guinea
Islands on the west of the main New Guinea island
Province of West Papua
610 islands, 35 inhabited
North of New Guinea Island:
Province of Papua
Labels: The Islands of Indonesia